Thursday 22 January 2015

9 Must Watch Movies

I watch a lot of movies. Like really, a lot. There should be a legal limit on my Netflix account. I like to think I have the experience to know when a movie is worth watching, so here are 9 good ones. Not necessarily the best movies ever made, but in my opinion, these are the ones that everyone should watch, ESPECIALLY if you want to get into film in any way at all.
BTW: These are in no particular order. You should watch all of them, as they're equally important.

I just finished watching Her. Again. Fuck man, it's impossible to describe this movie without sounding like a fucking psycho, or giving the plot away. To (extremely) summarise it, a man falls in love with someone... unconventional. It's easily the best movie of 2013 and I guarantee that not enough people have watched it. If you can find it, keep an open mind and watch it. Trust me, it will stick with you LONG after you're finished watching, as it did for me.
Why you should see it:
The most unconventional love story in film. And quite possibly the best ever told.

Mr Nobody
Another one that will have you thinking about it afterwards. Mr Nobody is about... well everything really. Think of it as a collection of love stories starring Jared Leto, which is never a bad thing. You will definitely want to watch it again, as it deals with some complex shit. The beauty in Mr Nobody is that even though you may not know what's going on in the story as a whole, each individual scene will have you completely invested.
Why you should watch it:
If Jared Leto isn't enough for you, it also has Dianne Kruger, whom I may or may not be in love with.

Reservoir Dogs
Everyone knows about Pulp Fiction. But a small amount of people are as aware of its socially awkward, super violent older brother. Tarantino's first film ever, Reservoir Dogs is a storytelling masterpiece. From the opening monologue about Like a Virgin, to a fake story told within a fake story, Reservoir Dogs is crucial viewing for anyone who thinks themselves a writer.
Why you should watch it:
A crime film with the best soundtrack in the genre. You'll be humming the credits song long after the film has ended.

We've all worked in customer service jobs. And they've all sucked. Clerks is a collection of the best and worst things we deal with when dealing with people. Sure the movie is made up of people standing around and talking, but the dialogue is so good that you don't even care. It's a statement that anyone in their early 20's working a job they hate can get behind.
Why you should watch it:
The Star Wars monologue may be my favourite scene in any movie ever.

Chasing Amy
I'll try keep this under 200 words, because there's a lot I can say about this movie. Basically, a guy falls in love with a lesbian. If that alone doesn't get you hopeful for where the movie goes, then you have some problems. The writing in this movie is exceptional, even if you've never had a similar experience, you'll still be on on board with the subject matter. It's love in a way that you've never seen before, but it's handled in a way that everyone can relate to.
Why you should watch it:
It will help you understand the not so great parts about love.

500 Days of Summer
Finally, someone made a rom-com for dudes. 500 Days of Summer is what I hope all movies in this genre will eventually be like. This movie not only shows love, but it explains and examines it. At times, it can even feel like a documentary, because it's so relatable. It's also genuinely funny, which helps.
Why you should watch it:

Shaun of the Dead
If you have an inner nerd, watching this movie will make him (or her) wet themselves. It's a zombie movie done right, and it's a comedy done even better. Everything is so offbeat and weird that you can't help but like this movie. From the references to the running jokes, its always nice to see a well put together movie that isn't trying to take your money *cough* Transformers *cough*
Why you should watch it:
You'll have one liners with your friends for weeks.

No holds barred. This movie is a fucked up portrayal of what happens when you get addicted to drugs. Some of the shit in this movie will have you even eyeing your Panado with suspicion. Above all this though, Trainspotting still manages to squeeze some comedy in, to great affect. Sure, not much can pull a movie back from (SPOILER ALERT) a dead baby, but Trainspotting finds it and runs with it.
Why you should watch it:
More realistic than the Wolf of Wall Street when it comes to hard drugs, which is something everyone needs to see.

Dear Zachary
I really can't say much about this one. Just watch this movie. 
Why you should watch it:
Because I'll give you ten bucks if you don't tear up at the end.

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